Patent according to the Intellectual Property Law means a title granted for the protection of an invention. Invention in this context means an idea that permits a specific problem in the field of technology to be solved in practice.
A patentable invention is an invention that is new, which involves an inventive step and is industrially applicable. The invention may consist of or relate to a product or a process or to a use thereof.
An invention shall be new if it has not been anticipated by prior art. Prior art shall consist of everything made available to the public, in any place and by any means or method, before the filing date either of the patent application or of a patent application filed abroad the priority of which has been validly claimed.
The novelty of an invention is not denied if during the 12 months preceding the date of filing or patent application, the invention has been the subject of a disclosure resulting from;
- An obvious violation committed against applicant or his predecessor in title,
- The fact that the applicant or his predecessor in title has displayed it at an official or officially recognized international exhibition.
Not all inventions are subject to patent protection. Non-patentable subject matter includes the following;
- Inventions the exploitation of which is contrary to public policy or morality, provided that the exploitation of the invention shall not be considered contrary to public policy or morality merely because it is prohibited by law or regulation,
- Discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods etc.