Oil and Gas Blogs

The Oil and Gas industry in Cameroon is one of the key sectors of the Cameroon economy. This industry is regulated by Law No. 2019/008 of 25th April 2019 instituting the petroleum code of Cameroon, and Law No. 2012/006 of 19th April 2012 instituting the gas code of Cameroon.

Practice in this sector is quite complex and the multitude of legal and regulatory compliance involved is telling of this aspect.

This blog is aimed at providing investors, clients, and practitioners with the necessary information required to know about Oil and Gas law practice in Cameroon.

Oil and Gas law practice in Cameroon cuts across four stages to wit; the upstream, the midstream, the downstream and the oil field service stage.

Each stage has its own modus operandi when it comes to corporate registration, licensing, and regulatory compliance in Cameroon.

For a complete understanding of the Oil and Gas legal regime in Cameroon, the blogs below will provide the material required for investors in the sector.


The development of national petroleum resources must help to assess local content. The local content referred to in Section 86 of the petroleum code shall

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