The steps to register a startup in Cameroon varies between a startup company and a startup business. The concept of a business according to the
The corporate practice blog is a compendium of all aspects of legal and corporate practice provisions touching on the existence and operations of partnership business, private company business and public company business.
This blog is aimed at providing answers to legal and corporate practice oriented inquiries as will be required by clients, investors, students, corporate experts, notaries and advocates in Cameroon.
The registration and operation of different categories of business and corporate entities in Cameroon as captioned by the revised OHADA Law of 2014 are quite complex and mistakes are usually made by investors and practitioners due to lack complete knowledge in the particular subject matter.
In this blog, you will find provisions touching on registration of corporate entities, responsibilities of auditors, management and members, aspects of voting rights of members of registered companies and their proxy, liquidation and dissolution of corporate entities, conditions for engaging in public offering for shares, categories and combination of securities etc.
Worthy of note to clients who peruse this blog is the fact that the need for the services of professionals such as Notaries, Advocates, audit firms and corporate law firms is key to successful company registration and operations in the Cameroon business environment as they are up to date with changes taking place in the legal sphere of corporate matters in Cameroon.
The steps to register a startup in Cameroon varies between a startup company and a startup business. The concept of a business according to the
The aspect of the requirements to register a company in Cameroon is in two facets; the general requirement applicable to all companies in Cameroon, and
International-Power-Law-Alliance FIRM has distinguished herself to be among the best top-tier corporate law firms in Cameroon. With the multitude of business law matters
Transmission of equity interests (Transfer of equity interests inter vivos) Form of the transfer According to article 317 of the OHADA Law of 2014, Inter
According to article 269-1 of the OHADA Law of 2014, The articles of association of public limited companies that do not make public offerings and
Appointment and term of office of the general manager According to article 485 of the OHADA Law of 2014, the board of directors shall appoint
According to article 510 of the OHADA Law of 2014, on the proposal of the general director, the general meeting of shareholders may appoint one
According to article 470 of the OHADA Law of 2014, the board of directors, on the proposal of the chief executive officer, may appoint one
Appointment and term of office of the chairman of the board of directors According to article 477 of the OHADA Law of 2014, the board
According to article 888 of the OHADA Law of 2014, shall face a criminal charge those who knowingly negotiated: 1°) Shares not fully paid up;