The steps to register a startup in Cameroon varies between a startup company and a startup business. The concept of a business according to the OHADA law ( https://www.droit-afrique.com/uploads/OHADA-Uniform-Act-1997-commercial-companies.pdf) is widely interpreted to mean an enterprise or sole proprietorship in Cameroon. The increase in opportunities in the Cameroon business climate has led to the increase in the number of startup registration specifically in the digital sector of the economy.
It is important for interested persons to know the difference between setting up a business startup or a company start up in Cameroon. In this regard, we will evaluate the difference in procedural steps to register a startup in Cameroon for a business/enterprise and a company.

- The steps to register a business startup in Cameroon
One of the aspects of the steps to register a startup in Cameroon is the registration of a business startup. The registration of a business startup is quite easier than a company startup. The steps for the registration of a business startup is as follows;
Step 1. Choose a business name
Step 2. Choose the business objectives
Step 3. Choose a business address
Step 4. Choose the business promoter
Step 5. Register the business
Step 6. Register the business for tax declarations
Step 7. Register the business at the National Social Insurance Fund

One of the required steps to register a startup in Cameroon is to engage the company registration process. https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/business/how-to-register-a-company-in-cameroon-7-steps/ , https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/business/requirements-to-register-a-company-in-cameroon-2-phases/ , https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/business/how-to-register-a-company-in-cameroon-7-steps/.
How to Register a company in Cameroon
Step 1: Select your company type
One of the first steps to register a startup in Cameroon for every interested person to is to select the type of company. In accordance with the OHADA Law https://www.droit-afrique.com/uploads/OHADA-Uniform-Act-1997-commercial-companies.pdf the following types of companies can be selected by a person to be registered in Cameroon;
- A Limited Liability Company or a Private Limited Company (Société à Responsabilité Limitée – SARL)
- Public Limited Company (Société Anonyme – SA)
- Private Company (P.C)
Step 2: Select a company name
One of the tenets of the steps to register a startup in Cameroon is to select a suitable name for the company. The selection must be done with due diligence and proper consultancy with a corporate attorney in order to avoid the name of the company being rejected for the following qualities;
- Misleading to the Public
- Immoral in nature
- Offensive in nature
- Contrary to public policy
Step 3: Select company personnel (Shareholder(s), Manager(s), Director(s) and Auditor(s)
One of the tenets of the steps to register a startup in Cameroon is to select the personnel required for the registration process to be complete. This selection will be dependent on the type of company the interested person has decided to register in Cameroon. The distinction as per the types of company is as follows;
Public Limited Company (Société Anonyme – SA)
- Shareholder(s),
- Directors(s), and
- Auditors
Limited Liability Company (Société à Responsabilité Limitée – SARL)
- Shareholder(s), and
- Manager(s)
Private Company
- Trader(s) and
- Manager(s)
In addition to the above selection criteria per type of company, one of the principles of the steps to register a startup in Cameroon ( https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/registration/register-a-company-in-cameroon/ ) is to ensure that all the selected personnel meet the general requirements as follows;
- Must possess a valid passport or ID Card.
- Must be of age 18 years and above.
- Must not be bankrupt from their country of origin or Cameroon.
- Must provide an authorizing document from the parent company if a subsidiary company is to be registered in Cameroon.
- Must not suffer from insanity.
- Must possess a good criminal record which is evidenced through a non-crime certificate.
Step 4: Select the amount of Share Capital
The process of accomplishment of the steps to register a startup in Cameroon entails the interested person to decide how much share capital should be allocated to the company. In this regard, the share capital to be decided are as follows;
- Less than 1,000,000 XAF (Seing privé)
- Less than 10,000,000 XAF (Limited Liability Company /Société à Responsabilité Limitée – SARL)
- Above 10,000,000 XAF (Public Limited Company/ Société Anonyme – SA)
Step 5: Register your company
How to Register a company in Cameroon
Step 6: Register for tax declarations

This aspect of the procedure to register a company in Cameroon is fundamental for the company to commence operations. www.impots.cm
At this stage, the directorate of taxes in Cameroon issues to the company a document called a certificate of non-indebtedness (Certificat de non redevance). This document permits a company to have a bank account opened in any accredited commercial bank in Cameroon and begin operations.
The Certificate of non-indebtedness is renewed every three months and it is the basis upon which a company can declare its taxes every 15 of the next month. www.impots.cm , https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/business/tax-compliance-in-cameroon/
Step 7: Register at the National Social Insurance Fund
Upon the fulfilment of the procedure to register a company in Cameroon, the company and the workers have to get registered at the National Social Insurance Fund in view to ensure the protection of both the employer and employee in cases of industrial accidents, occupational sickness, Pension etc. https://www.cnps.cm/index.php/en/cnps/missions
There are certain special requirements which must be met in view to accomplish the steps to register a startup in Cameroon. These requirements depend on whether the startup is a business startup or a company startup.
Special Requirements to Register a Business Startup in Cameroon
One of the special requirements to register a business startup in Cameroon is when it concerns a business aimed at providing health oriented services. Such a business startup must have certified health personnel as the promoter before it can be registered. https://www.international-powerlaw-alliance.com/practice-blog-categories/health-law/
Special Requirements to Register a Startup Company in Cameroon
Personnel Quality: This as a special requirement to accomplish the steps to register a startup in Cameroon require persons of particular training and qualification to enable the startup company to be registered.
- A Pharmacy company must have licensed pharmacist enrolled in the order of pharmacy in Cameroon to operate.
- A medical Laboratory company must have a person with a diploma in C.E.S in applied immunology, bacteriology, virology, medical biochemistry etc as the director to operate.
- A Micro finance company must have a manager who is the holder of a second degree Advance Level Certificate and professional experience of 5 years in the domain of banking, associations or cooperatives, or Degree in economics, banking, finance, law or management to operate.
- Bank companies must have their managers approved by the monetary authority upon assent of the banking commission.
- Companies engaged in the manufacture, wholesale or distribution of drugs, wound care products and articles must have as their manager a pharmacist enrolled in the order of pharmacist in Cameroon.
- Hospitals and Medical clinics must be managed by physicians enrolled in the order of physicians in Cameroon.
Shareholding Structure
As one of the requirements to accomplish the steps to register a startup in Cameroon, there are peculiar companies which can only be registered based on the foundation of a license exclusively awarded to a person of Cameroonian nationality. In such situations, any expatriate desirous to invest in such company venture in Cameroon must have the Cameroonian in possession of the license as a shareholder. Examples of such companies are health companies, forestry companies etc.