In accordance with Regulation No. COBAC R-2016/02 relative to the changes in the status of credit institutions, the application for prior authorization to increase the share capital must include, in particular;
- The minutes of the extraordinary general meeting which approved the capital increase,
- The share capital subscription form,
- If applicable the waiver of preferential subscription rights,
- A notarized declaration of subscription and payment in the case of a cash contribution,
- A statement from the funds’ custodian account certifying that the funds have been paid-up,
- The auditor’s report in the case of a contribution in kind,
- The certificate of release of shares issued by the notary in the event of the set-off certain, liquid and payable debts. This certificate is drawn up on the basis of the accounts certified by the auditor,
- The table showing the distribution of capital before and after the operation.
The application for prior authorization to reduce the share capital must include, in particular;
- The minutes of the extraordinary general meeting which approved the capital reduction.
- Statutory auditor’s report on the reasons for and conditions of the capital reduction.
- The table showing the distribution of capital before and after the operation.