The authorization to practice the profession of pharmacist in private
the clientele is subordinated to the production of a file deposited, in
duplicate, at the headquarters of the Council of the Order against
receipt and including :

  • An application stamped at the current rate;
  • A certificate of nationality dated within three (3) months;
  • A certified copy of the birth certificate dated within three (3) months;
  • A certified copy of the diploma of doctor of pharmacy or the
    certificate of reception to the grade of pharmacist as well as an
    attestation of presentation of the original of the said diploma or
  • An extract from the criminal record dated less than three (3) months;
  • A certificate of registration on the roll of the Order issued by the
    Council of the Order;
  • A certificate of effective professional practice of at least one (1) year
    at the date of the application to practice in a personal capacity, issued
    by a public administration or the employing organization;
  • A letter of agreement in principle to release, issued by the last
    employer, if applicable;
  • A certificate of payment of all the contributions due to the Order,
    issued by the Council of the Order.

A pharmacist of foreign nationality may only be authorized to practice
in private practice if the country of which he is a national has concluded
a reciprocity agreement with the Republic of Cameroon.
In support of his application, he must produce, in addition to the

documents listed in paragraph (1), a copy of the said reciprocity
agreement, authenticated by the Ministry of External Relations.
The authorization to practice in private practice is personal and
It shall indicate the locality where the applicant is to practice his art.
It is granted to open a single dispensary in the locality designated by
the Council of the Order.
The authorization to practice must, under penalty of absolute nullity,
respect the spatial distribution of pharmacies prescribed by the health
map fixed by order of the Minister in charge of Public Health.
The pharmacist authorized to practice in private clientele has a period
of twelve (12) months following the notification of the decision of
approval or the entry into force of the approval decision when it is
implicit, to open his dispensary to the public. After this period, and
unless extension granted by the Council of the Order in accordance
with the provisions of Article 100 of the aforementioned law N° 90-035
of 10 August 1990, the authorization becomes null and void.
The pharmacist authorized to practice in private practice must, upon
notification of the decision or the entry into force of the latter when it
is implicit and before the opening of his pharmacy to the public, submit
to the Council of the Order a copy of the insurance policy provided for
in article 79 of the aforementioned law n° 90-035 of 10 August 1990.
This policy covers the professional risks whose nature is specified by the
A receipt for this insurance shall be submitted to the Council of the
Order at the beginning of each calendar year.
The provisions of paragraph (2) shall also apply to the pharmacists’
societies provided for in article 33, paragraph (1) of the
aforementioned law n° 90-035 of August 10, 1990.
When the pharmacist considers that he has completed the installation

of his dispensary in accordance with the regulations in force, he shall
inform the Council of the Association, which in turn shall inform the
Minister in charge of Public Health by any means in writing.
The Council of the Order and the administration in charge of Public
Health have upon notification of the completion of the work, a period
of thirty (30) days to visit the dispensary before its public opening. If at
the end of this period, the Council of the Order and the administration
in charge of Public Health have not been notified, the pharmacist may
open his dispensary to the public.
When the visit of the premises reveals that the installations do not
allow the practice of the profession according to the minimum rules of
the art, the deficiencies are notified to the applicant who must remedy
The opening of the pharmacy to the public is authorized only after
verification by the Council of the Order and the administration in
charge of Public Health of the required modifications.
The issuance of the letter of agreement in principle to release is
mandatory when the applicant meets the seniority requirement of the
The refusal by any employer to issue, without valid reason, the letter of
agreement to the applicant who requests it may result in sanctions
against the offender, which may go as far as the withdrawal of the
decision to practice.
When the employer referred to in the preceding paragraph is a general
partnership, a limited liability partnership of pharmacists or a legal
person under private law the employer shall be subject to sanctions up
to and including the closure of the organization where the applicant

A pharmacist who is authorized to practice in private practice must
personally and effectively carry out his duties. He may not practice in or
own more than one pharmacy or establishment at the same

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