This is in line with COBAC Regulation R-2018/06 determining the composition of the banking and non-banking compartments of the assets of credit and Microfinance institutions in liquidation.  

This regulation sets out the respective composition of the banking and non-banking compartments of the assets of credit and microfinance institutions provided for in article 96 of Regulation No. 02/14/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC/CM of April 25, 2014.

In accordance with article 96 of regulation n® 02/14/CEMAC/UMAC /COBAC/CM of April 25, 2014,

a. The banking compartment comprises:

– For credit institutions, assets and liabilities generated by banking and related operations as defined by articles 4 and 8 of the Annex to the Convention of January 17, 1992 harmonizing banking regulations in the Central African States of Central Africa;

– For microfinance institutions, assets and liabilities generated by authorized operations and related operations as defined by articles 19 to 25 of Regulation No.01/17/CEMAC/UMAC/COBAC of 27 September 2017 relating to the conditions for the exercise and supervision of microfinance activities in the CEMAC region.

The non-banking compartment comprises all the assets and liabilities of the microfinance and liabilities of the credit or microfinance institution not belonging to the banking compartment. These include;

 i) Debts, obligations and commitments not generated by the banking activity;

ii) Property assets allocated to the operation of the credit or microfinance institution.

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