About the annual ordinary general meeting, any shareholder is entitled, in person or through an agent that he appointed to represent him at the general meeting, to inspect the following at the headquarters:

1°) the inventory, summary financial statements, and the list of directors if a board of directors was constituted;

2°) the reports of the auditor and the board of directors or the general director submitted to the meeting;

3°) where applicable, the explanatory statement, the draft resolutions as well as information concerning candidates to the board of directors or the office of general director;

4°) the list of shareholders;

5°) the overall amount, certified by auditors, of remuneration paid to the ten (10) or five (5) best-paid managers and employees depending on whether or not the number of employees in the company exceeds 200.

At the exception of inventory, the right of the shareholder to examine the above-mentioned records shall entail the right to make copies thereof at their own expense. The right to inspect these records may be exercised for fifteen (15) days before/the general meeting.

About meetings other than the ordinary annual general meeting, the right to inspect the documents concerns the draft resolutions, the report of the board of directors or the general direction as the case may be, and, where applicable, the report of the auditor or the liquidator.

Any decision of the general meeting taken in violation of this article shall be canceled.

Furthermore, any shareholder may at any time inspect and make a copy of:

1°) company documents referred to in the preceding article, about the three (3) last fiscal years;

2°) minutes and attendance sheet of the meetings of the board of directors;

3°) minutes and attendance lists of meetings held over the past three fiscal years;

4°) regulated agreements entered into by the company;

5°) any other documents if the articles of association so provide.

Likewise, any shareholder may, twice per fiscal year, send written questions to the chief executive officer, the general manager, or the general director on all matters likely to jeopardize the smooth running of the company.

The response shall be communicated to the auditor.

The right to communication provided for in articles 525 and 526 of the OHADA Law of 2014 shall also apply to co-owners of jointly owned shares, to underlying title holders, and to the usufructuary.

In the event the company refuses to provide all or part of the documents referred to in articles 525 and 526 above, the competent court shall rule expeditiously on such refusal, at the request of the shareholder.

The competent court may order the company, subject to a fine, to transmit the documents to the shareholder under the conditions outlined in articles 525 and 526 of the Law.

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