In the case of disputes over the amount of the compensation fixed by decree, the dispossessed person shall send in a claim to the prefect of the division in which the expropriation took place, the latter shall submit the claim to the commission in line with the relevant provisions in the Ordinance.

The chairman of the commission shall notify the parties concerned of the date, time, and place of the meeting. The parties shall be heard by the commission. The latter may only validly conduct business if three members at least including the chairman are present. A report shall be established and transmitted to the minister in charge of lands who, if the claim is rejected shall immediately inform the claimant of his decision.

If the affected victim is dissatisfied with the decision of the Minister, the claimant may within the prescribed period of notification refer the matter to the court of the first instance within which jurisdiction the real property is situated.

In accordance with the procedure and subject to any appeals under ordinary law, the court shall confirm, reduce or increase the amount of the compensation in accordance with the valuation rules fixed by the present Ordinance.

Position for Persons with disability

The guardians and legal representatives of dispossessed persons who are under a legal disability or interdiction may be authorized by order of the president of the court to accept the compensation offered by the administration.

No actions to set aside a contract or claim at the title or any other real action shall suspend or affect expropriation, any such action is transferred to the compensation so as to free the title to the land.

Applications for compensation in progress on the date of entry into force of the present Ordinance shall be continued in accordance with the legislation in force.

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