During the validity period of a petroleum contract, holders of an exploitation authorization shall at their request, be granted a domestic transportation authorization by decree of the President of the Republic, under the conditions set forth in the petroleum code.
The domestic transportation authorization shall confer on holders of an exploitation authorization the right to transport the products of their exploitation activities or share thereof to any collection, export, processing, refining or storage point within the territory of Cameroon using their facilities or those of third parties while maintaining ownership rights.
The holder of an exploitation authorization whose entire exploitation area and facilities are situated offshore shall not be required to apply for a domestic transportation authorization.
The domestic transportation authorization shall comprise the approval of the construction plan for pipelines and related facilities. Such plan, whose contents shall be specified by the implementing decree of this Law, shall be appended to the application.
Land shall be used and the public interest statement required for pipelines and
related facilities issued under the conditions laid down in Part IV of the petroleum code.
The domestic transportation authorization referred to in Section 49 of the petroleum code may be transferred to third parties by any holder under the conditions laid down in Sections 19 to 22 of same code, and in the petroleum contract, subject to prior approval by the Minister in charge of hydrocarbons.
The beneficiaries of the above-mentioned transfer must fulfil the conditions laid down by the code and its implementing instrument relating to the construction and use of the pipelines and related facilities, as well as the special conditions specified in the petroleum contract.
Several holders of exploitation authorizations may agree to jointly carry out the transportation of their exploitation products.
All protocols agreements or contracts entered into between the concerned parties shall be subject to prior approval by the minister in charge of hydrocarbons.
The layout and features of pipelines and related facilities shall be such as to ensure that the products extracted from hydrocarbon deposits are collected, transported and removed under the best technical, economic, environmental and safety conditions.
Where several commercially exploitable hydrocarbon deposits are discovered in the same geographical area, the holders or beneficiaries of the transfer referred to in section 5 of the petroleum code may team up to jointly construct or use the pipelines and related facilities for the removal of all or part of the production derived from the said discoveries.