According to Decree N°83-168 of 12 April 1983 concerning the code of ethics for pharmacists in Cameroon, the pharmacist must abstain from any fact or attitude likely to bring the profession into disrepute, even outside the practice of the profession.
The pharmacist is forbidden to exercise, at the same time as his profession, any activity incompatible with the dignity of the profession.
The pharmacist is at the service of the public. He must show the same devotion to all patients.
Whatever his specialty, except in cases of force majeure, the pharmacist must, within the limits of his knowledge, give immediate assistance to a patient in danger while waiting for medical assistance to be provided.
Unless ordered in writing by the competent authority, the pharmacist may not leave his post if the public interest so requires.
The retail pharmacist shall not close his dispensary until he has ascertained that the patients can receive the assistance they may require from another pharmacist who is sufficiently near.
Outside normal business hours, the hospital or retail pharmacist must indicate the place where he can be reached in case of emergency.
Pharmacists must lend their services to public services for the protection and preservation of public health.
Professional secrecy is imposed on the pharmacist, except if otherwise provided by the law. To this end, he must abstain from discussing with third parties questions relating to the illnesses of his clients.
The pharmacist must not encourage, either by his advice or by his actions, practices contrary to good morals.
The personal practice of pharmacy consists of the pharmacist preparing and dispensing medicines himself or herself or carefully supervising the performance of all pharmaceutical acts that he or she does not perform himself or herself.
Every dispensary must be marked with the name(s) of the owner(s) or, in the case of a dispensary operated by a company, with the name(s) of the manager(s) responsible.
In establishments that manufacture or repackage pharmaceutical products, the names of the pharmacist(s) must appear on the label of the drugs.
A pharmacist in charge of a pharmaceutical establishment may be assisted or replaced by another colleague. The faults committed by the latter engage not only the responsibility of their author but also that of the pharmacist holder.
If he is unable to practice personally and unable to be replaced by If he is unable to practice personally and unable to be replaced by the regulations, the pharmacist must not keep his or her pharmaceutical establishment open. A pharmacist who ceases to practice no longer maintained the role of the Order if he or she expressly requests it.
Whether they are holders, managers, assistants, or replacements, pharmacists must not under any circumstances enter into agreements tending to alienate, even partially, their technical independence.
Brand lease agreements must respect the technical independence of the operating pharmacists.
The remuneration of managing, substitute, or assistant pharmacists must be proportionate to their responsibilities, taking into account customary practice.
The corresponding employment contracts must be submitted for approval to the Council of the Order and the authority in charge of public health.
The preparation and delivery of medicines, as well as the performance of all pharmaceutical acts, must be carried out with meticulous care.
Any product in a pharmaceutical establishment must be identified by a label by the regulatory model.
The premises of pharmaceutical establishments must be functional, properly equipped,, and maintained.