Foreigners in residence in conformity with Decree No. 2007/255/PM of 4 September 2007 fixing the modalities for the application of Law No. 97/012 of 10 January 1997 relative to the conditions of entry, stay and exit of foreigners in Cameroon, there are six categories of foreigners in residence in Cameroon. They are as follows;
- Contract workers: They consist of foreigners working in the private sector in Cameroon, foreigners working in the public or Para public sector, bound by an employment contract, and technical assistant personnel.
- Independent Workers: They are persons exercising on an individual basis in Cameroon, a liberal, commercial, industrial, agricultural, pastoral, cultural or artisanal profession.
- Long-term trainees: They are foreigners admitted to a training course in Cameroon for a period of more than three months.
- Students: They are persons admitted to study in a university or professional institution in Cameroon.
- Family members of foreigners staying in Cameroon: They consist of the spouse and legitimate minor children authorized to reside with the foreigner within the framework of either family accompaniment or family reunification.
- Refugee: The term refugee has the same meaning as that used in the conventions to which Cameroon is a member and the laws in force.