According to COBAC regulation R-2008/01 requiring credit institutions to prepare a business continuity plan in Cameroon, the credit institutions shall define the organization and the reaction mode capable to ensure the operational nature of the technical backup solution in the event of activation of the business continuity plan.
In particular, they shall define the roles, responsibilities and authorities in charge of implementing the IT back-up plan and shall determine the solutions for replacing or substituting staff, with a definition and planning of their tasks.
A test of the technical solutions and of the IT recovery plan is carried out to allow their validation from a technical and organizational point of view and, thus, to verify their ability to meet the defined needs and to assess the recovery times.
If the technical solution is not validated, all possible information must be gathered in order to implement corrective measures to make the backup solution operational.
The scope, the extent, the objectives and the conditions of the test must be defined beforehand. The main conclusions of the test must be communicated to the interested parties and the corrective actions resulting from the findings must be implemented.