Pharmacy inspection is carried out under the supervision of the supervisory authority by one or more pharmacy inspectors.
The pharmacy inspectors must hold a diploma in pharmacy. They are appointed by the supervisory authority.
Pharmacy inspectors may not engage in any other professional activity, except in a public health or national education department.
They are bound by professional secrecy and take an oath before the court of first instance of their residence.
They control all establishments where pharmaceutical products are manufactured, held or sold as well as all medical analysis laboratories and for each establishment an inspection file.
They report infringements of the professional rules observed in the practice of pharmacy, carry out the investigations prescribed by the supervisory authority or requested by the President of the Council of the Order.
They have the authority to investigate and record infringements of the legislation on the practice of pharmacy, except those concerning prices for which the applicable texts remain those relating to the matter.
The pharmacy inspectors acting as judicial police officers shall transmit to the authority responsible for public health the original of the official reports noting the infringements noted in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 4 and 5 of article 23 above.
These reports may be transmitted to the public prosecutor of the
Republic of the jurisdiction. With a view to the application of appropriate sanctions, copies of these reports shall be transmitted to the Council of the Order of Pharmacists for possible disciplinary proceedings. The inspectors of pharmacy must be replaced by their colleagues for the control of pharmacies or establishments operated by owners of which they are related or allied up to and including the fourth degree. They are forbidden, as long as they exercise their functions, and within a period of five years following the cessation of these functions, to have direct or indirect interests in the pharmacies, laboratories and pharmaceutical establishments subject to their supervision.
The costs of all kinds resulting from the operation of the pharmacy inspection shall be borne by the State.
Without prejudice to the penalties provided for in Articles 157, 158 and 159 of the Criminal Code anyone who obstructs the exercise of the functions of the pharmacy inspectorate is liable to a prison sentence of three months to one year and a fine of 50,000 F to 500,000F, or one of these two penalties only.