Decision granting a first category licence for:
⁃ The establishment and operation of:
- A collection and/or distribution network for the provision to the public of electronic communications services;
- Radio network open to the public in one or more localities;
- Virtual network open to the public;
- Electronic communications networks open to the public in rural areas;
- Passive infrastructure supporting electronic communications networks;
⁃ The provision of support services.
The conditions to be met are as follows:
– Be a Cameroonian company;
– Have a minimum share capital of FCFA 5 million;
– For micro earth stations and small earth stations connected to a central master station to a central master station located outside Cameroon, have an express dispensation from the Administration in charge of telecommunications;
– Pay the entry fees when the study of the application is favourable;
– Have the technical and financial capacity to meet the obligations associated with carrying on its business activity;
– Not have been subject to any of the sanctions provided for in the above-mentioned law governing electronic communications;
Seven copies of the following documents are required;
– A form supplied by the Agency, duly completed and stamped at the current rate;
– A receipt of payment of the application fee issued by ART;
– Proof of payment of the entry fee, in the event of a favourable conclusion to the study of the application;
– A technical file including:
- The name or company name and full address of the applicant;
- The legal status of the company, as well as the composition of its capital and the distribution of voting rights;
- The declaration, purpose and characteristics of the services to be offered;
- The purpose and technical characteristics of the network;
- The technical specifications of the equipment;
- The implementation timetable, specifying, in particular, the capacity and coverage area year by year; etc.
A financial file including:
- An indication of the origin and amount of the planned funding, specifying
- The identity of the main lenders;
- Proof of the company’s financial capacity and a guarantee of the project’s;
- Financing of the project if the license is granted;
- The nature and level of planned investment;
- The company’s business plan.
– A location plan certified by the territorially competent tax authorities;
– A copy of the national identity card of the company’s principal executive, if applicable.