During the period of validity of an exploration authorization, the holder may apply for a provisional exploitation authorization which shall be granted by decree of the President of the Republic. However, the grant of a provisional exploitation authorization shall allow the exploration authorization to subsist, but shall not prolong its validity period.
The provisional exploitation authorization shall confer on its holder the right to carry out prolonged production tests and/or operate productive wells on a provisional basis for a maximum period of two (2) years during which the holder shall be required to continue delineation and assessment of the commercial exploitability of the relevant deposit, in accordance with the provisions of Section 32 above and the petroleum contract terms.
The provisional exploitation authorization may be withdrawn following the same procedure in the event of non-compliance with the provisions of Sections 33 and 34 of the petroleum code. It shall lapse upon expiry of the exploration authorization for the specified area, unless a prior agreement on the development of the deposit which is the subject of the provisional exploitation authorization is reached between the State or any public body duly mandated for that purpose and the holder, and an application for exploitation authorization is filed before the expiry, of the exploration authorization.