The employee in Cameroon is bound by a contract of employment with his employer. From this contract of employment emanate several rights which the employee is entitled to. They are as follows;
- Entitlement to sick pay: An employee who is sick is entitled to sick pay from his employer. Notice of sickness must be given to the employer within a reasonable time. Failure to notify him will result to a loss of sick pay.
- Maternity leave and pay: Female employees who are expectant mothers will be entitled to have time off for antenatal care, to receive maternity pay, to return to work and not to be dismissed. This is on condition that the pregnancy has been medically certified.
- Trade union membership: Every employee has the right not to be dismissed by his employer of the following grounds;
. Seeking to become a member of an independent trade union, or
. Taking part in the activities of an independent trade union at any appropriate time.
- Insolvency: An employee has certain rights when it concerns the insolvency of his employer as follows;
. Any basic award of compensation for unfair or wrongful dismissal.
. Any reasonable sum by way of reimbursement of a premium paid by an apprentice.
. Payment during suspension if the contract is for unspecified duration.
. Any amount of leave pay.
. Time off for trade union duties and for looking for a job.
- Time-Off work: Employees will be entitled to time-off work for the following purposes;
. Trade Union Activities
. Public duties
. Antenatal care etc.
- Leave and travel: Apart from daily and weekly rest periods, every worker has a certain reasonable period of time to deal with his personal business. The Cameroon labour code stipulates that workers are entitled to annual paid leave at the rate of one and a half day for each month of actual service.
- Right to remuneration: This right is the reward for the services rendered by the employee.
- Right to a descent working environment: The working environment must be healthy enough not to present any threat to the health of the employee outside the office or factory. The employer is to provide proper facilities for the worker.
- Right to the respect of dignity: The employee has a right not to be subjected to any insults at work or outside work, dehumanizing treatment, or scorn, hence the respect of his private life has to be ensured.