According to Decree No. 89-354 of March 3, 1989, on the code of ethics of the profession of a nurse, Midwife, and health care technician in Cameroon, the medical-healthcare professional who agrees to provide care to a patient is obliged to:
– immediately provide all necessary care within his power either alone or with the help of qualified third parties;
– always act with correctness towards the patient.

Except in cases of emergency or justified by humanitarian reasons, the
medical professionals may refuse to provide care for professional or personal reasons, provided that:

-that such refusal does not cause any harm to the patient;

-to ensure the continuity of care and that such refusal does not cause any harm to the patient;

-to ensure the continuity of care and to provide useful information to this effect.
The medical-health professional must always make his or her diagnosis with the utmost care, not to mention the time it takes to do so.
After making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the medical-health professional must ensure that it is carried out.
The medical-healthcare professional who is called upon to provide care in a family or any other environment must ensure prophylaxis.
He must avoid interfering in the affairs of the family or the community concerned.
When he is urgently called to a minor or another incapacitated person, and
unable to obtain the consent of the legal representative promptly, the medical health care professional shall provide the necessary care.
A serious prognosis may be legitimately withheld from the patient.
A fatal prognosis can only be revealed to the patient with the utmost caution;
It should generally be disclosed to the family unless the patient has previously had this disclosure or designated the third parties to whom it should be made.
During a dystocic or prolonged delivery, the midwife or delivery nurse must refer to the physician, who is the sole judge of the respective interests of the mother
and the child.
The medical-health professional cannot refuse to give his client an explanation of his bill of fees. He remains free to give free care when his conscience commands it.

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