In application of the provisions of article 12 of law n° 80-10 of 14 July 1980, regulating the practice of the profession of pharmacist, advertising is defined as all techniques intended to encourage the public to know, desire, promote, or develop the purchase of the product or service in question.
Advertising of medicinal products only allowed for new molecules and improved formulations.
Advertising of medicines is subject to prior approval by the Minister of Public Health after the opinion of a commission composed as follows:
– Two representatives of the Ministry of Public Health, including a pharmacist and the other a health administrator;
– The President of the Order of Pharmacists or his representative;
– The President of the Order of Physicians or his representative;
– The president of the pharmacists’ union or his representative;
– A representative of the Ministry of Information and Culture;
– A representative of the Ministry of the Economy and Planning
– A representative of the Ministry of Social Affairs;
– A representative of Cameroon Public Expansion.

This commission shall ensure that advertising,
– does not present any danger or inconvenience to public health;
– is carried out by the decisions of the marketing approval commission about new molecules or improved formulas;
– is fair, truthful, and verifiable.
Advertising to professionals: pharmacists, and doctors, must be maintained in its role of providing technical information to professionals only: pharmacists, doctors, dental surgeons, and nurses delivering babies.
The only authorized forms of advertising are leaflets, direct information, and the projection of films for professionals only.
The following are prohibited from the public: gifts, premiums, objects, material advantages, gadgets, prescription pads, diaries, and calendars bearing the names of medicines.
Any discount in kind, on the invoice, or in cash to any customer other than a doctor or dental surgeon by the dispensing pharmacist is prohibited.
Advertising to the public in the written press, radio, television, and cinema is strictly forbidden.
The advertising approval is issued by order of the Minister of Public Health under a number relating to one or more of the means of distribution mentioned in article 3 above.
Any advertisement for medicinal products must mention the number under which the visa was issued.
The advertising approval is granted for a period that may not exceed two years for a new molecule, and one year for an improved formulation.
The file for obtaining advertising approval must include a stamped application addressed to the Minister of Public Health specifying:

1. The name and address of the manufacturer;
2. A copy of the marketing authorization for the medicine;
3. The proposed medical advertising formula.

In this formula, any advertisement containing, in any form whatsoever, false claims, indications, or presentations likely to mislead, when these relate to one or more of the following elements in existence, nature, composition, substantial qualities, the content of active ingredients, species, origin, quantity, method, and date of manufacture, properties, prices, and conditions of sale of the products or services being advertised, conditions of their use, results which may be expected from their use, reasons for or procedures of the sale or provision of services, scope of the commitments by the advertiser, identity, qualities or aptitude of the resellers, promoters or service providers is prohibited.
Only promoters from the medical professions referred to above may advertise to professionals.
Any medical sample may only be given to professionals, pharmacy students, medical students, and delivery nurses, after obtaining marketing authorization and in the original model packaging, without price or sticker, with the mention “Medical sample – Sale forbidden”.

The distribution of medical samples to the public is strictly forbidden by the manufacturer or its sponsor.
All medical prescriptions must be free of advertising. In particular, it must never mention the name of the manufacturer.
Advertising of products other than medicinal products, objects, appliances, and methods concerning health, is subject to the same regulations.
Any commercial and technical advertising made abroad but perceived or disseminated in Cameroon without having been the subject of an advertising visa under the conditions of this regulation is prohibited.
Any infringement of the above provisions shall be punished by article 13 of Law No. 80-10 of 14 July 1980 to regulate the practice of the profession of pharmacist.

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