A poisonous substance is any substance classified as such.
The conditions for the import, export, storage, processing, sale and purchase of poisonous substances are set by regulation.
Any infringement of the rules relating to the import, exploitation, sale,
Any violation of the rules relating to the importation, exploitation, sale, purchase and use of poisonous substances is punishable by a fine of 1,000,000 to 5,000,000 francs and imprisonment for one year to 10 years or one of these two penalties only.
The following are punished by the penalties provided for in article 68 above
Those who, use fictitious prescriptions or prescriptions of convenience
will have been delivered or will have tried to be delivered one of the poisonous substances
poisonous substances mentioned in article 67 above;
Those who knowingly, on the prescription of these prescriptions, will have delivered the aforementioned substances, as well as the people who will have been found carrying without legitimate reason one of these substances
legitimate reason for one of these substances.
The punishments envisaged in article 69 accompanied if necessary by a prohibition of stay, are doubled when the offence will have consisted in the illicit manufacture of the poisonous substances, or the illicit culture of the plants presenting active ingredients of these substances.
It will be the same when the obtaining of the aforementioned substances will have been facilitated to a minor or when they will have been delivered to him under the conditions envisaged by the present law.
A pharmaceutical speciality is any medicine prepared in advance, presented in a particular packaging, characterized by a special name and sold in more than one dispensary.
No pharmaceutical speciality or specialised medicine may be charged free of charge or for a fee unless it has first been approved by the authority responsible for public health under the conditions laid down by regulation.
The visa provided for the above can only be granted when the manufacturer can prove :
That he has verified the safety of the product under normal conditions of use and of its therapeutic interest as well as its qualitative and
quantitative analysis;
That it has effectively a method of manufacture and the process of control to guarantee the quality of the product.
Completion of the formalities provided for in this article shall not have the effect of exonerating the holder of the visa from the liability which he may incur under the conditions of ordinary law, because of the placing on sale of a speciality.
Any application for a visa must be accompanied by the payment of a fee, the amount of which is fixed by the authority responsible for Public Health.
The following are punishable by imprisonment of three to ten years and a fine of from 5,000,000 to 10,000,000 F or one of these penalties only, those who have contravened the regulations on substances classified as narcotics.
The penalties provided for in the preceding paragraph may be pronounced when the various constituent elements of the offence have been committed in different countries.
The same penalties apply to those who facilitate the use of the said substances or plants to others, either in return for payment or free of charge, either by procuring for this local purpose or by any other means.
Premises, where narcotics are used in society and those where such substances are manufactured illegally, are considered to be places known for debauchery.

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