State layouts shall be created on the initiative of the Minister in Charge of State Property, Surveys, and Land Tenure in Cameroon on the recommendation
It is no surprise at the plethora of land matters before the various courts in Cameroon. Land matters have become so predominant in recent years in Cameroon to such an extent even customary courts and authorities attempt to settle these matters amicably.
Sellers, buyers, middlemen, state authorities, traditional authorities, trustees, administrators of estates, personal representatives of families, the family head, husbands, wives, children, relatives, bailiffs and Notaries have all had a role to play in the predominance of land matters in Cameroon.
The fundamental question is; why have land matters become so predominant in Cameroon?
While the articles under this blog are aimed at enabling stakeholders to have a full appraisal of the various aspects of land law in Cameroon, we shall attempt to provide a comprehensive response to the why question below;
While the reasons are in exhaustive, we are of the opinion that a proper understanding of the different aspects of land law transactions in Cameroon as governed by the 1974 Ordinance as amended and supplemented, is the first step to take in the right direction for the following reasons;
State layouts shall be created on the initiative of the Minister in Charge of State Property, Surveys, and Land Tenure in Cameroon on the recommendation
If a council wishes to create or develop a layout within the meaning of Article 1 (the operation resulting in the division of landed property
There are 5 categories of land according to Article 2 of Ordinance No. 74-1 of 6th July 1974 to establish the rules governing land tenure
In accordance with Law No. 80-22 of 14 July 1980 relating to repress infringements on landed property and state lands in Cameroon, any person who
This type of expropriation is for a public purpose but carried out on behalf of the council’s public establishment, public service concessionaries, or semi-government corporations
Expropriation of land in Cameroon for public purposes shall be pronounced by decree on completion of the procedure defined by the present ordinance (1974 Ordinance
In the case of disputes over the amount of the compensation fixed by decree, the dispossessed person shall send in a claim to the prefect
A deed is a signed legal document that transfers ownership of an asset to a new owner. Deeds are most commonly used to transfer ownership
Parcels of lands provided with the necessary infrastructures shall be allocated in accordance with Decree No. 81/185 of 4th May 1981 which regulates the conditions
These are lands which as of the date of which the 1974 Ordinance governing land tenure in Cameroon came into force, were not classified into